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Attendance Guidelines

Success in school depends upon prompt, regular attendance.  Parents/guardians are encouraged to monitor their student’s attendance records on a regular basis through ParentVue.  Parents can support good pupil attendance by following these procedures:
Reporting an Absence: Contact the school to report/clear an absence within 5 day of the absence. 

Do one of the following:

Call the Office @ 562-594-9793

Send a written note:  Make sure you include the following on your note:
*Student’s first and last name
*Date/s of absence
*Reason for absence
*Parent/Guardian signature and phone #

Click on the “Attendance” Icon on the school’s website or click here to fill out the Google form online.

Send an e-mail to the attendance clerk Miss Sammy @

Parents/guardians have 5 days to clear an absence.  After the 5 days, the absence will be unverified if not cleared.

Picking up a student early: There are two ways to pick up your student early from school.  We will release students only to adults listed on the students emergency contact list.

In Person: The person that is picking up student must come into the office with their ID to sign the student out.  We will call student out of class once we verify ID.  Please don’t call ahead and ask us to have your student ready.

Early Outs: Send your student with a note  or email Miss Sammy at with the following information:  Student’s first and last name, time that you need student to be released, reason for leaving school early, Parent/Guardian signature, and phone #.  Student must bring the note to the office before school to get an early out slip.  For emailed notes, we will get the note to the student before they have to leave.  Students will need to let the teacher know that they have an early out. They will have to remember to excuse themselves at the time they need to leave. Parents/guardians do not need to sign student out in case of an early out.

Allowed Absences:
Due to illness.  After 3 days, a Dr. note will be required.  Per district policy, absences extending beyond 3 days consecutive rule will be considered unexcused unless a parent/guardian provides a doctor’s verification to the school.
For the purpose a medical, dental appointment. Dr. Note required.
For the purpose of attending a funeral service for an immediate family member
For justifiable personal reasons –please contact attendance clerk if you have questions

Not Excused Absences
Family Emergency
Personal reasons
Vacation/Out of town