Located in a quiet east Long Beach neighborhood, Stanford Middle School provides a sound learning environment for its students. Stanford’s Mission is to educate and inspire all students towards academic and social responsibility. Our site vision focuses on teachers, administrators, staff, students and parents working together to promote high standards for ALL Stanford students. We provide a rigorous educational environment, challenging students to accept and demonstrate personal responsibility for academic, social, civic and technological skills needed to compete, communicate and thrive as scholars and citizens. At Stanford, we are committed to "unlocking learning through relationships," and we have systems in place to support the development of healthy relationships among students and between students and staff.
Our focus on standards-based instruction in all classrooms sets high expectations for learners. Students not only read daily, but practice literacy and comprehension skills in varied settings and for different purposes. Teachers use data driven instructional strategies to meet the differing needs of their students and those needing extra support are serviced through developmental classes in math and language arts, special advisory sections, and after school tutorials. Other programs that provide students with specialized instruction include: Gifted and Talented, Special Day Classes and Resource Specialist. Through health education, school government, sport competitions, and award winning elective courses (art, choral and instrumental music, PLTW, yearbook, technology) all students receive opportunities to build and promote positive, society-valued character traits.
At Stanford, we have chrome books available on campus for all students and teachers. Stanford uses technology working in conjunction with content classes to enhance learning. Students have access to the library after school in addition to class time, for compiling research or simply enjoying literature.
Stanford teachers, administrators, and support staff exhibit high integrity and strong work ethics which inspire confidence in our families that their children are receiving the necessary skills to become healthy, happy, well adjusted, and productive individuals. We continually thank our parents for sending us their best - their children. Stanford teachers, students, and parents truly make us a “community of learners.”